Code of Ethics


Special Containment Procedures Foundation

ExaIIted's SCPF

Site Euphrates

Released: 21/07/23

Edited: 21/07/23

Clearance: No Clearance

Classification: For Public Disclosure


The Code of Ethics serves as the principal and most supreme piece of legislation in the Foundation, trumping all guidelines, directions, and orders provided by any Foundation authority. The Code of Ethics is maintained and amended in a manner prescribed within Title 1 Section 1 - General Provisions.


Section I: Code of Ethics:

Title 1: General Provisions & Foundation Organisation

Title 2: Foundation Security

Title 3: Scientific Development & Management

Title 4: General Crimes

Title 5: The Judiciary & Criminal Procedure

Title 6: External Relations

Section II: Conclusion:



Title 1: General Provisions & Foundation Organisation

§1 - General Provisions

(a) The powers and duties of the Board of Directors of the Ethics Committee shall not extend beyond the following:

(1) voting on new measures, amendments, and revisions of the Code of Ethics;

(2) investigating offences against the Code of Ethics in and of itself;

(3) overseeing the procurement, adaptation, and amendment processing of the Code of Ethics; and

(4) advising the public on interpretation of the Code of Ethics.

(b) The Code of Ethics cannot be altered, reproduced, abstracted and plagiarised by any persons or organisations outside of the Board of Directors of the Ethics Committee.

(c) The Code of Ethics is the supreme law of the land, and overrides all, unless the Board of Directors of the Ethics Committee with a 2/3 supermajority declares that certain aspects of the Code are suspended temporarily.

(d) The Code of Ethics is divided into Titles and Sections. When cited, "CoE Title 1 §1" shall suffice with a standard keyboard to refer to this section, and the same format shall be used for official citations for all parts of the Code of Ethics.

§2 - The Administrator

(a) The Administrator is the owner of the Foundation and is responsible for overseeing its day-to-day functions. This position is unobtainable by any means other than transfer of ownership.

(b) The Administrator shall have the the authority to: 

(1) overrule the O5 Council and veto its decisions;

(2) create and abolish departments and department subsidiaries;

(3) appoint and dismiss personnel to any position, including Overseers; and

(4) chair meetings of the O5 Council.

 §3 - The Overseer Council

(a) The Overseer Council is collectively one of the most powerful and authoritative bodies in the Foundation. They perform a variety of functions and are responsible for the day-to-day management of the Foundation. 

(b) The Overseer Council shall have the the authority to:

(1) hold meetings among themselves;

(2) vote on matters than affect a large portion of the Foundation that no one Overseer can unilaterally pass during said meetings;

(3) appoint and dismiss personnel to any position in their department, with the exclusion of specific positions in the Ethics Committee or if said person does not adequately meet the prerequisites for employment or termination, in which case said Overseer must put it to vote;

(4) expel members of the Council with a 2/3 supermajority; and

(5) operate the Foundation on a day-to-day basis.

(c) In the event of an Overseer holding multiple seats on the O5 Council, the number in which they choose to identify shall be identified as their "primary" department, in which case all other departments and duties they shall only be considered in exercising within an acting capacity. They shall only be considered for the O5-13 tiebreaker vote for the department in which they identify as their primary department.

§4 - Selection of New Overseers

(a) In the event of there being a vacancy on the O5 Council, it is the duty of the Council to fill said vacancy through the means outlined in this section.

(b) A new Overseer may be appointed if:

(1) they have been voted into their position by a 51% majority vote of O5 Councillors at the next O5 meeting;

(2) the Administrator appoint an individual to a vacant seat; or

(3) a new seat has been created to the Council and an individual was nominated to fill said seat upon its creation, requiring a 2/3 supermajority of the O5 Council or direct approval of both the Administrator.

(c) O5s serve lifelong terms until their tenure has been terminated via demotion from the Administrator, transfer by the same, expulsion from their seat by a 2/3 supermajority of the other Councillors, or the EC's Board of Ethics finds a Councillor guilty of breaching this Code and sentences them to demotion to Class E or other punishment approved by the Editor and O5 Representative for the Ethics Committee.

§5 - Departments

(a) Departments shall be defined as an entity subordinate to the Foundation, which shall be overseen by a member of the O5 Council.

(b) The Departments shall consist of the following:

(1) Department of External Affairs

(2) Department of Justice

(3) Engineering & Technical Services

(4) Scientific Department

(5) Manufacturing Department

(6) Medical Department

(7) Foundation Security Operations Command

(8) Internal Security Department

(9) Ethics Committee

(10) Administrative Department

§6 - The Administrative Department

(a) The Administrative Department shall be responsible for providing administrative assistance and counsel to members of the O5 Council, The Administrator, and the Foundation generally. The powers of the Administrative Department may be prescribed by the O5 Council at-large, or The Administrator.

§7 - The Chairman of the Administrative Department

(a) The Chairman of the Administrative Department’s duties and powers shall include:

(1) managing the process for obtaining employment or promotion within the Administrative Department;

(2) ensuring the day-to-day maintenance of the Administrative Department;

(3) delegating and managing assignments and caseload of personnel of the Administrative Department; and

(4) procuring a report of the status of operations and various accomplishments of the Administrative Department, at a time prescribed by the Overseer of the Administrative Department (herein referred to as “the Overseer” for the purposes of this section), for the convenience of the Overseer and, at the discretion of the Overseer, the O5 Council.

(b) The Chairman of the Administrative Department shall be selected through an appointment by The Administrator, or by the Overseer when delegated such authority and duty by The Administrator.

§8 - The Engineering & Technical Services

(a) The Engineering & Technical Services shall be responsible for the technological maintenance and management of facility testing and maintenance across all Foundation facilities.

§9 - The Director of the Engineering & Technical Services

(a) The Director of the Engineering & Technical Services’ duties and powers shall include:

(1) managing the process for obtaining employment or promotion within the Engineering & Technical Services Department;

(2) ensuring the day-to-day maintenance of the Engineering & Technical Services;

(3) delegating and managing assignments and caseload of personnel of the Engineering & Technical Services;

(4) procuring a report of the status of operations and various achievements of the Engineering & Technical Services, at a time prescribed by the Overseer of the Engineering & Technical Services (herein referred to in this section as “the Overseer”), for the convenience of the Overseer and, at the discretion of the Overseer, the O5 Council; 

(5) procuring a report regarding statistics of various technical and maintenance operations conducted by the Engineering & Technical Services, at a time prescribed by the Overseer, for the Overseer and, at the discretion of the Overseer, the O5 Council; and

(6) providing for a schedule of all regular maintenance and technical diagnostic examinations of Foundation sites, as well as maintaining a record of all regular maintenance and technical diagnostic examinations.

(b) The Director of the Engineering & Technical Services shall be selected through an appointment by The Administrator, or by the Overseer when delegated such authority and duty by The Administrator.

§10 - The Manufacturing Department

(a) The Manufacturing Department shall be responsible for the management of all Roblox development affairs; the creation, maintenance, and management of Roblox Studio assets; and all pre-release testing programmes of experimental or probationary Roblox Studio assets prior to full implementation.

§11 - The Director of the Manufacturing Department

(a) The Director of the Manufacturing Department’s duties and powers shall include:

(1) managing the process for obtaining employment or promotion within the Manufacturing Department;

(2) ensuring the day-to-day maintenance of the Manufacturing Department;

(3) delegating and managing assignments and caseload of personnel of the Manufacturing Department;

(4) procuring a report of the status of operations and various accomplishments of the Manufacturing Department, at a time prescribed by the Overseer of the Manufacturing Department (herein referred to as “the Overseer” for the purposes of this section), for the convenience of the Overseer and, at the discretion of the Overseer, the O5 Council; and

(5) providing for a verifiable record to The Administrator and the Overseer of all financial and salary information regarding employees of the Manufacturing Department, including information regarding form of payment, the amount of payment that is required, and the amount of payment that has been provided.

(b) The Director of the Manufacturing Department shall be selected through an appointment by The Administrator, or by the Overseer when delegated such authority and duty by The Administrator.

§12 - Classification of documents

(a) Documents shall be classified to restrict public access in a method prescribed by the Administrative Department, within guidelines and directives as established by the O5 Council.

(b) Declassification of documents shall only be ordered by the Administrative Department, provided that methods and criteria for the declassification of a document as prescribed by the O5 Council are met and properly followed.

Title 2: Foundation Security

§1 - The Foundation Security Operations Command

(a) The Foundation Security Operations Command shall be responsible for maintaining an armed security presence at all Foundation sites, managing the transport and security of anomalies, and maintaining order in the Class D Containment Zone.

§2 - The Director of the Foundation Security Operations Command

(a) The Director of the Foundation Security Operations Command’s duties and powers shall include:

(1) managing the process for obtaining employment or promotion within the Foundation Security Operations Command;

(2) ensuring the day-to-day maintenance of the Foundation Security Operations Command;

(3) delegating and managing assignments and caseload of personnel of the Foundation Security Operations Command;

(4) procuring a report of the status of operations and various accomplishments of the Foundation Security Operations Command, at a time prescribed by the Overseer of the Foundation Security Operations Command (herein referred to as “the Overseer” for the purposes of this section), for the convenience of the Overseer and, at the discretion of the Overseer, the O5 Council; and

(5) providing for regulation and policy, in accordance with research as provided by the Scientific Department and Medical Department, and in accordance with guidelines as prescribed by the Ethics Committee, regarding the containment of anomalies and Class D personnel.

(b) The Director of the Foundation Security Operations Command shall be selected through an appointment by The Administrator, or by the Overseer when delegated such authority and duty by The Administrator.

§3 - The Internal Security Department

(a) The Internal Security Department shall be responsible for maintaining the integrity and stability of the Foundation through means prescribed by The Administrator, or the O5 Council when delegated such authority by The Administrator.

§4 - The Executive Director of the Internal Security Department

(a) The Executive Director of the Internal Security Department’s duties and powers shall include:

(1) managing the process for obtaining employment or promotion within the Internal Security Department;

(2) ensuring the day-to-day maintenance of the Internal Security Department;

(3) delegating and managing assignments and caseload of personnel of the Internal Security Department; and

(4) procuring a report of the status of operations and various accomplishments of the Internal Security Department, at a time prescribed by the Overseer of the Internal Security Department (herein referred to as “the Overseer” for the purposes of this section), for the convenience of the Overseer and, at the discretion of the Overseer, the O5 Council.

(b) The Executive Director of the Internal Security Department shall be selected through an appointment by The Administrator, or by the Overseer when delegated such authority and duty by The Administrator.

§5 - Emergency procedures

(a) All processes regarding emergency identification, declaration, and procedure shall be prescribed by the Administrative Department, in accordance with guidelines and recommendations prescribed by the O5 Council and Foundation Security Operations Command. The Administrative Department shall be responsible for compiling and maintaining a list of emergency procedures and identifications, in accordance with guidelines and recommendations from such aforementioned authority.

(b) In the event of a situation being identified in which a security hazard is presented, a member of the O5 Council may, in a method prescribed in accordance with recommendations and guidelines as presented by the Foundation Security Operations Command and in accordance with a list of emergency procedures as defined in (a) of this section, declare an emergency and authorise the dispatch of necessary emergency resources.

Title 3: Scientific Development & Management

§1 - The Scientific Department

(a) The Scientific Department shall be responsible for the procurement of research and research material regarding experimentation and examination of anomalies, as well as properties related to anomalies.

§2 - The Director of the Scientific Department

(a) The Director of the Scientific Department’s duties and powers shall include:

(1) managing the process for obtaining employment or promotion within the Scientific Department;

(2) ensuring the day-to-day maintenance of the Scientific Department;

(3) delegating and managing assignments and caseload of personnel of the Scientific Department;

(4) procuring a report of the status of operations and various accomplishments of the Scientific Department, at a time prescribed by the Overseer of the Scientific Department (herein referred to as “the Overseer” for the purposes of this section), for the convenience of the Overseer and, at the discretion of the Overseer, the O5 Council; and

(5) ensuring a record of logs and notes produced to record observations of examinations and experimentations conducted by the Scientific Department is kept.

(b) The Director of the Scientific Department shall be selected through an appointment by The Administrator, or by the Overseer when delegated such authority and duty by The Administrator.

§3 - The Medical Department

(a) The Medical Department shall be responsible for maintaining the welfare of personnel in a manner which suffices basic healthcare needs, in addition to emergency care in the event of an emergency procedure being enacted.

§4 - The Director of the Medical Department

(a) The Director of the Medical Department’s duties and powers shall include:

(1) managing the process for obtaining employment or promotion within the Medical Department;

(2) ensuring the day-to-day maintenance of the Medical Department;

(3) delegating and managing assignments and caseload of personnel of the Medical Department;

(4) procuring a report of the status of operations and various accomplishments of the Medical Department, at a time prescribed by the Overseer of the Medical Department (herein referred to as “the Overseer” for the purposes of this section), for the convenience of the Overseer and, at the discretion of the Overseer, the O5 Council; and

(5) ensuring the security of patient and healthcare records maintained by the Medical Department.

(b) The Director of the Medical Department shall be selected through an appointment by The Administrator, or by the Overseer when delegated such authority and duty by The Administrator.

§5 - Experimentation and examination

(a) Experimentation and examination as conducted by the Scientific Department shall undergo rigorous review. Prior to the conduction of an experiment or examination, the Scientific Department must consult a member of the Ethics Committee authorised by the Chairman of the Ethics Committee to verify the ethicality and morality of an experiment or examination. Unless otherwise provided, once a specific examination or experiment is verified to be ethical, then so long as such experiment or examination remains unchanged in all variables and aspects, the prior ethical authorisation may be used repeatedly.

(b) For standard medical examination, examination must be scheduled beforehand or provided for on a need-by basis, in accordance with the Code of Ethics and regulations prescribed by the Medical Department. For non-standard medical experimentation or examination, consultation with a member of the Ethics Committee authorised by the Chairman of the Ethics Committee shall be required to verify the ethicality and morality of the non-standard medical examination or experimentation.

§6 - Euthanization and killing of personnel

(a) Personnel of the Foundation, including those with a security clearance and Class-D personnel, shall be protected from unreasonable euthanization or killing.

(b) Personnel of the Foundation, as defined in (a) of this section, shall only be euthanized upon confirmation from a member of the Ethics Committee authorised by the Chairman of the Ethics Committee, and a certified clinician of the Medical Department. Following the confirmation of the two aforementioned parties and their concurrence that euthanization is reasonable and ethical, an individual may be euthanized according to any manner prescribed by the Medical Department for their own general well-being, with reasons including little to no quality of life.

(c) Personnel may only be killed when they present a clear and irrefutable threat to the security or safety of personnel, the facility, or the Foundation overall.

(d) Failure to uphold any part of this section may result in revocation of security clearance, departmental clearance, and/or a sentencing to be classified as Class-E personnel for no less than three days, but such classification shall not extend beyond ten days.

§7 - Authorised access to medical records

(a) No individual shall access or share information contained in medical records as maintained by the Medical Department, unless that individual:

(1) is the subject of the records;

(2) is expressly authorised by the subject of the records via writ or verbal confirmation to access information contained in their medical record; or

(3) is a clinician or other healthcare provider authorised by the Medical Department to practise medicine and is accessing records in order to properly treat the subject as their patient.

Title 4: General Crimes

§1 - Assault

(a) Whoever, while on Foundation property, commits a malicious act which results in the debilitating or near-killing harm towards another individual shall be guilty of assault in the first degree.

(b) Whoever, while on Foundation property, commits a malicious act which results in the harm of another individual shall be guilty of assault in the second degree.

(c) Whoever, while on Foundation property, commits a threatening or otherwise malicious act towards another individual which results in the reasonable expectation of harm shall be guilty of assault in the third degree.

(d) The punishment for an offence of this section shall abide by the following guidelines:

(1) An individual convicted of assault in the first degree shall be eligible for the full revocation or downgrading of their security clearance or classification to Class-E personnel for no less than two days and no more than ten days.

(2) An individual convicted of assault in the second degree shall be eligible for temporary suspension of their security clearance for no less than two days and no more than ten days or classification to Class-E personnel for no less than one day and no more than seven days.

(3) An individual convicted of assault in the third degree shall be eligible for temporary suspension of their security clearance for no less than one day and no more than seven days.

§2 - Murder

(a) Whoever, while on Foundation property, deliberately kills another individual, after having planned the killing, shall be guilty of murder in the first degree.

(b) Whoever, while on Foundation property, deliberately kills another individual, with no prior plan for the killing to occur, shall be guilty of murder in the second degree.

(c) The punishment for an offence of this section shall abide by the following guidelines:

(1) An individual convicted of murder in the first degree shall be eligible for the full and permanent revocation of their security clearance and classification to Class-E personnel for no less than five days and no more than fifteen days.

(2) An individual convicted of murder in the second degree shall be eligible for full revocation of their security clearance and classification to Class-E personnel for no less than three days and no more than twelve days.

§3 - Manslaughter

(a) Whoever, while on Foundation property, unintentionally kills another individual, shall be guilty of manslaughter.

(b) An individual convicted of manslaughter shall be eligible for temporary suspension of their security clearance that shall last no less than one day and no more than eight days.

§4 - Trespassing

(a) Whoever, while on Foundation property, enters an area in which they are not authorised to enter, shall be guilty of trespassing.

(b) An individual convicted of trespassing shall be eligible for temporary suspension of their security clearance that shall last no less than one day and no more than five days.

§5 - Improper conduct and attire

(a) Whoever, as an employee of the Foundation, conducts themselves or wears attire in breach of guidelines as prescribed by the Administrative Department or O5 Council shall be in breach of this section.

(b) An individual convicted of having breached this section shall be eligible for temporary suspension of their security clearance that shall last no less than one day and no more than three days. 

§6 - Obstruction of justice

(a) Whoever deliberately impedes in an investigation into criminal conduct, or a the proceedings of the Review & Sentencing Board or Appellate Board, shall be guilty of obstruction of justice.

(b) An individual convicted of obstruction of justice shall be eligible for temporary suspension of their security clearance that shall last no less than two days and no more than seven days.

§7 - Contempt

(a) Whoever, while present in a hearing of the Review & Sentencing Board or Appellate Board, disrupts or otherwise hinders or disrespects the court and is held in contempt of the court by the presiding officer shall be guilty of contempt.

(b) An individual held in contempt shall be eligible for classification to Class-E personnel for no less than one day and no more than five days or temporary suspension of their security clearance for no less than two days and no more than seven days, in addition to their removal from the proceedings in which they were held in contempt for.

§8 - Perjury

(a) Whoever, while under oath and having sworn to tell only the truth, lies in a judicial proceeding shall be guilty of perjury.

(b) An individual convicted of perjury shall be eligible for temporary suspension of their security clearance for no less than one day and no more than seven days, in addition to being eligible for being held in contempt.

§9 - Unauthorised diplomatic representation of the Foundation

(a) Whoever, while not authorised to represent the foreign interests of the Foundation, presents themselves as a representative of the Foundation to any non-Foundation entity or group shall be in breach of this section.

(b) An individual convicted of having breached this section shall be eligible for temporary suspension of their security clearance for no less than two days and no more than seven days.

§10 - Theft

(a) Whoever takes possession of any Roblox Studio asset in which they have not been authorised to take possession of by the owner shall be guilty of grand theft.

(b) Whoever takes possession of any in-game item in which they have not been authorised to take possession of by the owner shall be guilty of petty theft.

(c) The punishment for an offence of this section shall abide by the following guidelines:

(1) An individual convicted of grand theft shall be eligible for a blacklist from the Foundation for no less than thirty days and shall have no maximum.

(2) An individual convicted of petty theft shall be eligible for temporary suspension of their security clearance for no less than one day and no more than four days.

§11 - Accessory to a crime

(a) Whoever aids an individual who has committed an offence in breach of the Code of Ethics shall be guilty of accessory to the committed crime.

(b) An individual convicted of accessory to a crime shall be eligible to serve no less than half of the minimum sentence of the crime in which they were accessory to, and no more than the sentence in which the perpetrator of the crime in which they were accessory to was sentenced.

§12 - Collusion and conspiracy

(a) Whoever plans with one or more other individuals to commit an offence in breach of this Code of Ethics, and any such individuals shall participate in the planning of an offence as a representative of a non-Foundation entity or group shall be guilty of collusion.

(b) Whoever plans with one or more other individuals to commit an offence in breach of this Code of Ethics, with all individuals participating in the planning of an offence as members of the Foundation shall be guilty of conspiracy.

(c) The punishment for an offence of this section shall abide by the following guidelines:

(1) An individual convicted of collusion shall be eligible for classification to Class-E personnel for no less than five days and no more than twenty days.

(2) An individual convicted of conspiracy shall be eligible for classification to Class-E personnel for no less than five days and no more than fourteen days.

§13 - Abuse of office

(a) Whoever, as an employee of the Foundation, uses their position with the Foundation to serve as an accessory to a crime, or to attempt to conceal a breach of the Code of Ethics, shall be guilty of abuse of office.

(b) An individual convicted of abuse of office shall be eligible for a blacklist from holding a security clearance for no less than twenty days and with no maximum length of blacklist, and/or classification to Class-E personnel for no less than six days and no more than fourteen days.

§14 - Treason

(a) Whoever, as an employee of the Foundation, aids or abets any non-Foundation group or entity which expresses hostilities towards the Foundation to cause harm or disruption to the Foundation or Foundation activities shall be guilty of treason.

(b) An individual convicted of treason shall be eligible for a blacklist from holding security clearance for no less than thirty days and with no maximum length of blacklist, and/or classification to Class-E personnel for no less than ten days and no more than thirty days.

§15 - Disclosure of classified information

(a) Whoever discloses information which is classified to a non-public level to an individual or individuals unauthorised to review the classified information shall be in breach of this section.

(b) An individual convicted of having breached this section shall be eligible for suspension of their security clearance for no less than seven days and with no maximum length of suspension, and/or classification to Class-E personnel for no less than five days and no more than fourteen days.

Title 5: The Judiciary & Criminal Procedure

§1 - Reserved

(a) This section is reserved.

§2 - Reserved

(a) This section is reserved.

§3 - The Ethics Committee

(a) The Ethics Committee shall be responsible for maintaining, amending, and upholding the Code of Ethics; serving as a consultant for ethics and morality for the Foundation; and ensuring the integrity and continuity of ethical conduct and proceedings within the Foundation.

§4 - The Chairman and Board of Directors of the Ethics Committee

(a) The Chairman of the Ethics Committee’s duties and powers shall include:

(1) managing the process for obtaining employment or promotion within the Ethics Committee;

(2) ensuring the day-to-day maintenance of the Ethics Committee;

(3) delegating and managing assignments and caseload of personnel of the Ethics Committee;

(4) procuring a report of the status of operations and various accomplishments of the Ethics Committee, at a time prescribed by the O5 Representative of the Ethics Committee (herein referred to as “the O5 Representative” for the purposes of this section), for the convenience of the O5 Representative and, at the discretion of the O5 Representative, the O5 Council; 

(5) presiding over and maintaining order in meetings of the Ethics Committee Board of Directors;

(6) organising the Board of Directors and its agenda for its meetings;

(7) appointing, by and with the consent of three-fifths of the Board of Directors, a Vice Chairman;

(8) appointing, by and with the consent of a simple majority of the Board of Directors, additional members to the Board; and

(9) presiding over hearings regarding the appeal of a sentence prescribed by the Ethics Committee.

(b) The Chairman of the Ethics Committee shall be selected through an appointment by The Administrator, or by the Overseer when delegated such authority and duty by The Administrator. However, should the Ethics Committee Board of Directors disagree with such an appointment, the incumbent members of the Board of Directors shall, with two-thirds consent, override the appointment of the Chairman and elect a new individual to the role. The Board of Directors shall additionally hold this power regarding the role of Vice Chairman.

(c) The Chairman of the Ethics Committee shall be prohibited from removing the Vice Chairman, or members of the Board of Directors, unless two-thirds of the Board of Directors shall concur.

(d) Notwithstanding (c) of this section, the O5 Representative, by and with the consent of The Administrator, may suspend any individual from the Board of Directors, and have their privilege to vote on affairs of the Board and their contribution to quorum rescinded, in the event that the O5 Representative shall believe that the suspended member pose a risk to the security and integrity of the Ethics Committee or Foundation overall. Such suspension shall be lifted following a hearing presided by the Chairman or, if the Chairman has been suspended, the Vice Chairman, and members of the review panel shall include one (1) random member of the Ethics Committee that does not sit on the board, selected by lottery drawing; one (1) full voting member of the Board of Directors selected at random by lottery drawing; the presiding officer of the panel; the O5 Representative; and, should he include himself in proceedings, The Administrator.

§5 - Sentencing and conviction of offenders

(a) Individuals who have been charged by a member of the Ethics Committee as having committed an offence against a section of this Code of Ethics shall be guaranteed the right to a Review & Sentencing Board. All Review & Sentencing Boards shall be presided by the Ethics Committee Director of Investigations, unless the Director of Investigations shall have recused himself from the proceedings, in which case the Chairman of the Ethics Committee shall designate a new presiding officer. All Review & Sentencing Boards shall have two additional personnel, one chosen from the non-Board of Directors members of the Ethics Committee selected by lottery, and the other being an additional member of the Board of Directors selected by a manner prescribed by the Chairman of the Ethics Committee.

(b) The Review & Sentencing Board (herein referred to in this section as “the Board”) shall provide equal opportunity for defence and prosecution to convince the Board of the validity of their claims, and shall provide no less than twenty-four hours for the review of the case, with no more than a forty-eight hour recess in proceedings from the referral of the case to the Review & Sentencing Board to the sentence or verdict being issued. In the event of the accused offender having pled guilty to any charge, the review of any charge in which the accused offender shall have pled guilty shall immediately conclude and sentencing shall commence.

(c) The Board shall be capable of issuing sentences outside of the prescribed sentencing guidelines for an offence, so long as the sentence is not wholly unreasonable or cruel, to mirror the severity of the offence and any extenuating or unique circumstances of the case.

§6 - Appellate review

(a) Individuals who wish to appeal their sentence or criminal status shall never be ineligible from filing an appeal with the Ethics Committee’s Appellate Board. The Appellate Board must assemble a three-member panel to review the case once more, and hear the reason for appeal, in no less than forty-eight hours following the receipt of the petition for appeal.

(b) The Appellate Board shall be presided by the Chairman of the Ethics Committee, unless the Chairman shall recuse themselves, in which case the Vice Chairman shall preside. The additional two members of the Appellate Board shall be decided by lottery, with one individual being a non-Board of Directors member of the Ethics Committee and the other individual being a Board of Directors member, regardless of voting status.

(c) Notwithstanding (b) of this section, suspended members of the Board of Directors are ineligible to become members of an Appellate Board. Furthermore, an individual who shall have served on the offender’s Review & Sentencing Board shall be ineligible to serve on the Appellate Board.

(d) Proceedings of the Appellate Board shall be no less than twenty-four hours, unless both parties file a motion to close the case. Furthermore, proceedings of the Appellate Board shall not be suspended for more than thirty-six hours from the receipt of the petition for appeal to the closure of the case.

§7 - Habitual offenders

(a) Individuals who have been convicted of crimes previously may be eligible for sentences which exceed the maximum sentence as prescribed for their offence(s).

Title 6: External Relations

§1 - The Department of External Affairs

(a) The Department of External Affairs shall be responsible for serving as the principal diplomatic arm of the Foundation, and be responsible for the management of foreign relations.

§2 - The Director of the Department of External Affairs

(a) The Director of the Department of External Affairs’ duties and powers shall include:

(1) managing the process for obtaining employment or promotion within the Department of External Affairs;

(2) ensuring the day-to-day maintenance of the Department of External Affairs;

(3) delegating and managing assignments and caseload of personnel of the Department of External Affairs;

(4) procuring a report of the status of operations and various accomplishments of the Department of External Affairs, at a time prescribed by the Overseer of the Department of External Affairs (herein referred to as “the Overseer” for the purposes of this section), for the convenience of the Overseer and, at the discretion of the Overseer, the O5 Council;

(5) granting petitions of asylum and diplomatic immunity; and

(6) maintaining a record of intergroup documents, including treaties, agreements, and declarations of war.

(b) The Director of the Department of External Affairs shall be selected through an appointment by The Administrator, or by the Overseer when delegated such authority and duty by The Administrator.

§3 - Authorisation of representatives of the Foundation

(a) No person, unless authorised by the Director of the Department of External Affairs, the Overseer of the Department of External Affairs, or The Administrator shall conduct affairs as a representative of the Foundation to any external entity or group.

§4 - Treaties, war, and intergroup cooperation

(a) Treaties, agreements, declarations of war, and contracts of intergroup cooperation shall be agreed to in a manner as prescribed by the O5 Council, with the recommendation and counsel of the Department of External Affairs.

Section II: Conclusion


This Code of Ethics was produced over a period of several days after the start of the month of August 2022 by the former Ethics Committee Chairman MortifiedHuman, and was ratified on the 4th of August of the same year.


Signatures are kept in accordance with the original date of creation.


The Administrator

BioHaZaRd934                                                                                                               MortifiedHuman                                                                                 Utilized_Premiere

O5 Representative,                                                                                                             Chairman,                                                                                            Vice Chairman,

Ethics Committee                                                                                                         Ethics Committee                                                                                 Ethics Committee