Foundation Codex


Special Containment Procedures Foundation

ExaIIted's SCPF

Site Euphrates


Edited: 22/07/23

Clearance: Foundation

Classification: For Public Disclosure


This document has been created to serve as the main handbook and codex for the Foundation, providing general knowledge about the organisation and its many opportunities.

If there are issues regarding the contents or format of this document, contact the author immediately.


Section I: Ranks & Classification:                                                    Section IV: Regulations:

Security Clearances                                                                                                                                   Foundation Regulations

Ranks                                                                                                                                                               Code of Ethics

Clearances                                                                                                                                                     Clearance Directory

Classification                                                                                                                                               Judicial Criminal Database                                                         

Section II: Codes:                                                                                      Section V: Conclusion:

Codes                                                                                                                                                                Footnotes


Section III: Departments:

Administrative Department

Ethics Committee

Department of Justice

Facility Security Operations Command

Internal Security Department

Scientific Department

Medical Department

Engineering and Technical Department

[ Section I: Ranks & Classification ]

Security Clearances

O5 Command                                                Executive

Members of O5 Command hold the                         Executive Personnel include Directors,

highest authority within the                                      Assistant Directors, and Overseers.

Foundation, each overseeing

their respective departments.                

Personnel                                                       Class-D

Personnel are from Level-1 to                                   Class-D are test subjects of the 

Level-3.                                                                                Foundation, classed as resources,

                                                                                         although possessing rights.


The Administrator                              O5 Council

The Administrator leads the                                    The O5 Council is collectively 

Foundation, with the highest                                  established by eleven members at

authority and command                                            maximum, typically each an Overseer

within the group.                                                          of a department. Councillors are chief

                                                                                        decision makers within the 

                                                                                               Foundation, and are invited to the                                                                                                                                                  

                                                                                               Council by the Administrator or O5                                                                                                      

                                                                                               Council vote.



Level-4                                                         Level-3

Level-4 personnel are composed                         Level-3 personnel are usually high   

of the executive leadership within                       command within a department,

the Foundation, typically Directors                     which is achievable via promotion.

or Assistant Directors of a 

department, who are usually hand-

picked by Overseers. 



Level-2                                                  Level-1

Level-2 personnel are senior staff                       Level-1 is the highest obtainable 

within a department, experienced                       rank through the application process,

and dedicated with minimal                                   used as a springboard rank for 

authority, gained through                                       further application into 

promotion.                                                                     departments.

Class E                                                          Class-D

Class E are suspended personnel                          Class-D is the entrance rank into the 

sentenced to a temporary or                                   Foundation, used as disposable test

permanent suspension by either                          subjects within ethical boundaries.

the Ethics Committee, Department 

of Justice, or the O5 Council, 

depending on severity.


Clearances are the access of documents according to staff level.

No Clearance                                              Foundation

Documents designated with                                    Documents designated with 

‘No Clearance’ means the document                   ‘Foundation’ means the document

is public knowledge.                                                    is targeted towards Foundation

                                                                                  members, but is also public knowledge.

Departmental                                            Executive                                        

Documents designated with                                    Documents designated with 

‘Departmental’ means the document                 ‘Executive’ means the document

is aimed towards a specific                                      is aimed towards the executive body

department.                                                                    of the Foundation.


Documents designated with

‘Omni’ means the document

is aimed towards members

of the O5 Council.


Classification is how the document is released regarding the availability of information.

For Public Disclosure                              For Official Use Only                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Documents for general consumption                   Documents are only to be shared with 

by individuals, regardless of                                     individuals with any level of security

membership status with the                                     clearance.


Confidential                                                 Secret

Documents only for use within a                             Documents for those with a need to 

department, or those with a need to                      know contents of the document,

know contents of the document,                             generally shared by those with L3

generally shared by those with L3                          clearance or above.

clearance or above.

Section II: Codes


Code White

Defines that the site is functioning without incident and operations can proceed.

Code Green

Defines the site has the possibility of a breach, raid, or riot. Maintain operations however proceed with caution.

Code Yellow

Defines a breach, raid, or riot has occurred onsite. All personnel are to follow orders from Security and are to be evacuated to the nearest breach shelter.

Code Red

Defines several hostile events are taking place onsite. All personnel are to follow orders from Security and are to be evacuated to the nearest breach shelter. 

Code Scarlet

Defines that the site is beyond saving and nuclear detonation is authorised. All personnel are to follow orders from Security and are to be evacuated from the facility.

Code Blank

Defines an undescribed threat. Follow orders from Security.

Code Superblank

Defines an indescribable threat. Follow orders from Security.

Code Coldsilver

Defines an event which has or will soon fatally damage the operation of the Foundation. Not for concern of general staff, and unlikely to ever be encountered during your career with the Foundation.

Section III: Departments

Administrative Department

Classification: Civil, Secondary

Entry: Level-2+

Ethics Committee

Classification: Civil, Primary

Entry: Level-1+

Department of Justice

Classification: Civil, Secondary

Entry: Level-2+

Facility Security Operations Command

Classification: Combative, Primary

Entry: Level-1+

Internal Security Department

Classification: Intel, Secondary

Entry: Level-2+

Scientific Department

Classification: Civil, Primary

Entry: Level-1+

Medical Department

Classification: Civil, Secondary

Entry: Level-1+

Engineering & Technical Department

Classification: Civil, Secondary

Entry: Level-1+

Section IV: Regulations

Foundation Regulations

         This can be either two primaries and one secondary, two secondaries and one primary, or three secondaries.

Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics ensures professionalism and integrity throughout the Foundation and its staff. Below is the area of the document.

Code of Ethics

Clearance Directory

The Clearance Directory is a simple sheet which outlines Security Clearances according to departmental rank. 

Clearance Directory

Judicial Criminal Database

The Judicial Criminal Database acts as an infraction log for the Ethics Committee.

Judicial Criminal Database

Section V: Conclusion


The SCP:F Codex is used as a handbook for all Foundation personnel, providing general information



Signatures are kept in accordance with the original date of creation.


The Administrator






